Dear Friends
If you have received this email late on your Sunday evening, it was intentional. Trying to be over smart by making metaphorical statements through my actions.
How would your day be if we did not have whatsapp or email or internet for a day? It sounds like 24 hour fasting but from the internet.
I remember this was around 9.30 AM IST on Thursday that I was trying to send a very important email but for some reasons it was showing “Oops could not save your changes” error. My immediate reaction was to check the Wi-Fi because that is who we blame always right? Pre COVID world it was traffic and now it’s Wi-Fi or power cuts.
But Wi-Fi was working fine, device was fine because every other site was working good but just the Gmail problem.
And it never came to my head that it can be some problem at Google’s end, so when in doubt, I tweet.
In the next 10-15 minutes I started getting DMs and comments that it is happening with other people too. I put it out on Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram everywhere and people responded with “Yes, me too”
In the next few minutes it was all over the news and Google confirmed it too.
This made me really think about how dependent we are on the internet today and that is why I revisited this first article.
What I was reading this week?
Is Google making us stupid? What the internet is doing to our brains?
Why suspending HindustaniBhau’s IG account was a good move by Facebook to set out a statement.
Why complaining about social media platform companies isn’t the solution to all the anger and hate in the world?
How Netflix and Amazon Prime measure the success of their shows?
Why does Instagram Reels suck so bad? It’s because they are forcing the verified accounts or people with million followers being featured in their reels explore instead of organic discovery like TikTok
What it is like to quit your job and start a company during this pandemic?
A YouTube video about ‘Gaslighting in Relationships’
Adding something for my friends who want to start something of their own, here are 5 things I would suggest to figure out
Identify a problem that you are passionate to solve
Don’t do it alone
Create value
Make a one year operational plan
Finally, take the plunge at it.
Take care you all!
The lockdown might be lifted but the danger is still out there.
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